• Гармония внутри - Гармония вокруг нас

      Главная // Manifesto



      To creaste a new global model of human society, based on ethic principles, cooperation and collaboration to lead our civilization to a new level of development and prosperity in harmony and unity.

      The principles

      1. Non-violence

      The main principle of the project is inviolability of life of any living being. That’s why ethical vegetarianism is an obligatory condition for all members of the project.

      Non-violence means also the refusal to participate in any type of conflict between countries, religious community or other types of human communities, except to defend one’s own or someone else’s life when there is no other choice.

      The idea of non-violence spreads over all the interpersonal communications including common activities of project members and private life.

      2. Altruism

      Any activity involving all project members in any form is always aimed at helping entirety humanity and any human we can be useful for, starting with our family members and all surrounding people.

      Giving help to people around us shouldn’t destroy the balance of inner resources and charity shouldn’t be done to injure family members.

      The best way to help anyone is the personal example of following these rules and principles, which we declare in our project as its base and sense.

      3. Freedom

      Personal freedom as an obligatory condition for the development of any living being is an essential part of all the aspects of our project functioning.

      Respect to the right to freedom of our neighbours, colleagues and others is an integral part of the non-violence principle.

      The right to personal freedom can’t break other principles of the project or limit someone’s else freedom.

      4. Voluntariness

      All the members of the project are participating in it according to their free choice and have the right to stop their participation at any moment, declaring their decision in advance to give their colleagues an opportunity to find a replacement.

      5.Environmental friendliness

      The principles of ecology of life, person and environment are basic for the project and its participants, as a continuation of the principle of non-violence to oneself as well

      Compliance to a balance, respect to the environment and to the basics of its existence.

      Holistic perception of the world and of the processes occurring in it.

      6. Development

      The goal of the project and its participants is personal and common development. The project is oriented to the future which is being created in present based on the past experience.

      7. Unity

      The principle of unity is fundamental for everything we do, we are aimed at and we are guided by.

      Unity of heart and mind.

      Unity of a person and the environment.

      Unity of all people and all living beings.

      Unity of personal consciousness and the consciousness of the Universe.

      The rules

      1. Harmonious combination of personal freedom and common interests without prejudice among both components.

      2. Balance between common and personal development and distribution of all resources, starting with time.

      3. Openness and complete communications in all aspects of participation in the project.

      4. Absence of any hierarchical relationships within the organization.

      5. Refusal (participating in the project) from any kind or form of explicit or indirect reward dealing with one’s status and professional opportunities as a member of the project.

      6. Clarity and openness in any activity of a manner in all the structures of the project and in all its processes.

      7. Not using the status of a member of the project for public declaring of personal views and convictions which are not related to the principles and the purposes of the project.

      8. Not using the opportunities and the status of a project member for one’s own private purpose or someone else’s purpose not related to the project and not coinciding with its tasks.

      9. Initiative and regular feedback in all the processes and forms of participation in the project.


      1. Presence of significant aim which gives sense, energy and inspiration to everyday activity and life overall.

      2. Personal development of each member through all opportunities provided by the project.

      3. Providing necessary and sufficient quality of life for a participant and incapable members of the family which are under his/her care.

      4. Professional development and education both within direct involvement in the project as well as in any other field supported by the project.

      5. Work and life, if desired, among like-minded people in a comfortable and safe social environment (in the sense of ecology and human relationships).

      6. Activity which contributes towards the progress of humanity in the present and safe and comfortable future to our nearest descendants.

      7. Support of like-minded people and availability of all the resources for any useful undertaking or initiative matching the purposes and tasks of the project.


      1. The member of the project could be any competent adult inhabitant of the Earth regardless of citizenship (or its absence), race, religion or other personal characteristics

      2. Participation in the project does not impose on the member any obligations to any organization besides usual standards of human and professional responsibility for the performance of tasks which you would like to perform in the project.

      3. To participate in the project an application is needed to be send via e-mail to an address indicated on the site, on the page of that part of the project which you have chosen to participate in. In your application we ask you to indicate all your contact details and your expectations from participation in the project