Our townhouse
In the central part of our eco-cities, it is planned to make the development of the nearby inner ring of the residential sector 2-story, 4-8 apartment townhouses.
In the central parts of our eco-cities, the inner ring is planned to be made up of residential 2-story, 4-8 apartment townhouses.
These townhouses are designed for eight 1-bedroom or four 2-story, 2-bedroom apartments.
Combined home layout options are possible, for example four 1-room and two 2-room apartments.
Each townhouse will be allocated an adjacent plot for personal use by residents of the house, with each apartment allocated a personal allotment for a garden and small decorations. Thus, residents of the townhouse will receive all the benefits that enjoyed by individual home owners.
Apartments in townhouses can be purchased by those residents of the city who at the first stage of relocation do not want to build separate houses for themselves.
Also, part of the townhouses will be built at the expense of the city’s public fund and will be rented out to new candidates for residents and young families who are not able to build a separate house or purchase an apartment in the townhouse for permanent use.
The architectural project for the construction of a townhouse is designed using the method of wooden frame house building. The cost of such construction is much lower than brick houses, so the cost of housing for those who need it will be very low.
The blueprint for these townhouses is below: