• Гармония внутри - Гармония вокруг нас

      Главная // Structure



      The project is planned as a common structure consisting of:

      1.Separate eco towns located in different parts of the planet.

      2.Separate structural units that ensure the implementation of the project’s goals and objectives integrated into a common system of cooperation and interaction.

      3.Central and regional coordination groups in certain areas of project development and all its activities as a whole.

      4.Groups of professionals dedicated to solving specific common problems.

      5.Initiative groups of volunteers.

      Eco towns

      The eco town is the main part of the project, its essence, around which the entire remaining structure of the project is built.

      The eco town is the main location for all other structures and units of the project.

      The creation and development of eco towns is the main goal of the organizational activities of the project.

      An eco town is:

      – an example of the practical implementation of those principles that the project offers as tools for changing the whole of modern civilization

      – a center of influence on the entire surrounding social environment; the totality of influence of all eco-cities in the near future will change the fate of mankind

      – a place for the development and testing of economic, technological and social methods and concepts that can be used by everyone in any part of the planet in the name of the harmonious development of mankind

      – a space where project participants can live, develop and benefit all of humanity in the most favorable conditions for this purpose

      – the cradle in which a new model of our civilization will be born and new ways and methods will be developed and tested


      Coordination of the work of all structures and units of the project and its individual areas will be provided by professionals from among the project participants at the regional and global level with a distribution by directions and development vectors.

      Coordination will occur at the request of individual groups and project structures participating in common macro programs, and not at the initiative of coordinating employees.

      The basic principle of the organization of work is the maximum autonomy of all processes and structures.


      Coordination of information interaction between all structures and units of the project and its individual areas will be provided by a special unit, which will also, together with the external relations and cooperation service, disseminate information about the project activities around the world.


      The project as a whole and its individual parts will be financed by:

      – its own economic activity (technology development, educational activities, production of eco-products, etc.)

      – donations from individuals, including project participants

      – grants and donations of any organizations whose goals, activities and reputation do not contradict the principles, goals and objectives of the project

      The general principle of the financial structure of the project is a combination of centralized and autonomous financial flows both in the project as a whole and in individual divisions and directions.


      Educational activities and educational programs will be one of the main activities of the project.

      The goals and objectives of this activity:

      – development of project participants, increasing their competence and expanding their professional and personal capabilities to effectively implement the project

      – dissemination of experience, competencies and knowledge of project participants in the widest possible range of opportunities

      – attracting new participants from the students in the project

       – presentation of the project among representatives of its potential target audience

      – dissemination of the principles and worldview of project participants through personal contacts of teachers and students


      Informing the widest possible range of people about all areas of the project and its individual structures is one of the main opportunities for development of the project and the implementation of its goals.

      Due to the effective work of the media service and the ubiquitous presence in the global media space, the project:

      – will constantly attract new participants and resources

      – will fulfill one of its main tasks: promoting the right value system, backed by real practice

      – will change the media space itself and cultivate the correct principles and working methods on it


      Research and methodologies in the field of new social forms and social psychology are by far the most popular “product” in modern society, because only due to them humanity can overcome the current crisis of meanings and values. Regarding to this area of the project, we can provide the most significant assistance to humanity as a whole.

      Research and experiments in the field of environmental technologies, clean energy, and organic farming are one of the most important components in the development of the project. Therefore, we can clearly demonstrate to the whole world the advantages of our worldview embodied in real material achievements, and create on that basis a reliable and stable material basis for the project.

      Communication and collaboration

      Today in the world there are already a large number of organizations, projects and structures that as a whole set similar goals and objectives and are based on the same or related principles.

      Cooperation and the establishment of information and organizational ties with such partners will help us all achieve a synergistic effect and significantly accelerate the pace of development of the project.

      Key parameters of the project

      1.The project is an international non-commercial structure that is not part of any political or religious association or movement, all of whose members are united by a common worldview, lifestyle and principles, and work to achieve common goals and solve common problems.

      2.The project does not engage in commercial activities for the sake of profit.

      3.The project does not share goals with and does not serve the interests of individual groups and communities, but is aimed only at achieving goals of universal significance.

      4.Inside the project, there are no hierarchical relationships and methods of forced motivation.

      5.All intellectual property created by the project participants in the process of their work in the project is the property of mankind, is distributed on terms of free access and cannot be the subject of claims for the right of ownership and commercial use.

      6.High-quality provision of the vital needs of project participants and legally incompetent members of their families who are in their care is the primary task of all coordinators and curators of all divisions and organizational structures of the project.

      7.The private life of the project participants, their beliefs, political and religious views cannot be a subject for discussion in the process of their participation in the project, as long as they do not conflict with the concept and principles of the project.

      8.Participation in the project does not impose on its participants any obligations other than fulfilling the professional tasks assumed by the participant for those participants to whom the project guarantees the provision of vital needs.

      9.The project guarantees full lifelong social protection to all participants and the legally incompetent members of their families who are fully dedicated to participating in the project for life.

      10.The relations of the project with volunteer participants who regularly take part in the project are built on the same principles as in all charitable non-profit organizations. The project reserves the right to provide material support to volunteer participants in case of urgent need in the event of unfavorable circumstances.

      11.The project respects full confidentiality and ensures the protection of personal data of all project participants.

      12.No part of the information about the project participants and their activities can be transferred to third parties and organizations without the consent of the participants.

      13.If the participant leaves the project, all project obligations to the participant and the participant to the project are terminated.

      14.Any participant who left the project for one reason or another, at any time can return to the project with the renewal of mutual obligations of the project and the participant.

      15.The project is not responsible to the participants for any consequences of their decision to participate in the project.